"R. Subashini vs T. Saravanan is the latest case that places the fault-line of the dual-legal system to test. Subashini Rajasingham, 28-year-old Hindu woman married T. Saravanan, also a Hindu, in a civil ceremony in 2001. The couple has two sons; Dharvin Joshua, 3, and Sharvind, 1.
Later, their marriage broke apart, while T. Saravanan meanwhile embraced Islam, and converted his name to Muhammad Shafi Saravanan. Shafi Saravanan thereafter applied to have the marriage dissolved under the Syariah Court.
The wife then presented a petition for divorce and applied to the high Court for an injunction restraining the husband from (i) converting the children to Islam and (ii) continuing with any proceedings in any Syariah Court.Shafi claimed that Dharvin converted to Islam along with him in May 2006 about which Subashini claimed no knowledge of."
From the short description above ,all the information that one needs to know about this case can be gathered. Some people say that it is is causing a constitutional crisis as well as deepening the chasm between our multireligious society, but I beg to disagree. Basically,the facts of this case are not that complicated.Iit has a very simple origin as well as a very simple solution.
It started because a man called Saravanan is a dick and it will be resolved when everybody has the good sense to realise that this man Saravanan is a dick.
He was a dick when he was called T.Saravanan and he sure as heck still is one going by the name Muhammad Shafi Saravanan.
He is a dick for having the gumption of saying that his 3 year old son converted with him and he is a dick for involving his personal problem into the lives of everybody around him.
This man has no sense of decency.
Justice cannot and will be done so long as his man's claim are processed upon reasonably.
The difficulty and sensitivity in assesing his case lies solely in the fact that all concerned have not fully acknowledged what a dick he is.
That we may be blurred by our reverence of the courts is probably one of the reason why we cannot see straight in this matter .
Simple things do get more tangled when lawyers and judges come into the picture.
If this was just an issue in our neighbourhood or our family, it would have been crsystal clear what the problem actually is .The problem is , as it may very well be clear right now , is that we are dealing with a dick.
Through a complete and unadultarated understanding of this , neither Hindus would be lamenting his loss nor the muslims be in any mood to celebrate it.
I pray that a day will come soon when people will realise that for whatever reason that this man choose to switch from one religion for another , god nor conscience played no part in it.
If we must argue (and I am not amongst those who says that that we should never argue) can't we wait for something more serious to come so as to make the fight more worth it.
Win or lose this , I do not see neither ourselves nor future generations gaining or learning from this experience considering that it is contaminated from the begining by the participation of this limp and worthless dick.
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