
Ijok Ijok Ijok

At the final count at the Ijok By-election last Saturday, BN took 58.6% of the popular votes while PKR managed 40.1% . This corresponds to roughly the same percentage garnered during the 2004 general election.

By these numbers , what seems to be suggested here is that nothing changed during the period between 2004 to 2007.

It is as if no mongolian lady died.

Or nobody got himself a yacht , a jet and a mansion and thought there was nothing wrong with it ( its as if that it escaped his attention that he did nothing ,absolutely nothing to deserve such wealth or realise that his ass is going to be fried in the fires of hell for enjoying such profit without paying for it with its adequeate labour)

It is as if corruption is still a shameful crime one only commits under the cover of darkness and not something done blatantly in full view of everybody with the perpertrators acting as if their god forsaken acts is something that their mothers can be proud of.

It is as if ....aaah ...i give up.
I give up because I do not think that it is more evidence that is needed because i do not think it evidence that the country is lacking.
It maybe courage,maybe love,maybe faith but i am sure as heck it is not evidence.

I give up because when the numbers stay the same even after so many things have changed, i can only think that it because the concience of this good country is dead.

What else can remain so resolutely inert in the face of so much change other than a thing which is already dead ?

They can pretend with all the "I don't know" they want but it convinces no one..

I will not hold it against others any longer who choose to abandon this land for new start somewhere else.I understand one can only weep for the dead for only so long before getting up and parting ways.

A cemetery is no place fit for the living.


stevie said...

with the shit they were made to swallow all these years, the indian-ijokians gave them 80% of their votes.

we deserve this.

Tangkee said...

Yeah bro, but i can only partly agree ......'indians' were the problem only if seen through the limiting and damaging definition by such personalities as Samy Vellu ...the truth is ,The real Indian is much better than that , but for some reason that only god knows of, like most things Malaysian, the current 'indian' is still ignorant of the fact that his smallness and pettyness is largely due to his unquestioned swollowing of the lie